A review by thepagelady
Gilded Mountain: A Novel by Kate Manning


Book Review…Gilded Mountain by Kate Manning

Gilded Mountain is set in Moonstone, Colorado, a mining town and is a story about Sylvie Pelletier as she recounts her life and the effects of effects of slavery on the Grady family and the work of Mary Harris "Mother" Jones and of the difficult lives of workers and their struggles against the owners of the mines.

There were a few great characters in this book! Sylvie is the main character and when we start she is a young woman wanting to do what's right and follow her heart and by the end of the story she has grown into an adult who took charge of her life! Mary Harris Jones wasn't someone I was familiar with but she was another amazing woman! Not accepted as a journalist because she was a woman and she started her own paper. She was a lively character!

This book is beautifully written, with rich details that pull you in and make the characters and their lives truly come to life! It's not based on actual events but it is still rich with history. As a reader you can't help but feel the emotions of the people. It's a great historical fiction story about family, justice and equality with some amazing characters and a little bit of romance! Thank you Scribner Books and Kate Manning for sharing this wonderful story with me!