A review by seak
Breach Zone by Myke Cole


Breach Zone is the conclusion to the Shadow Ops Trilogy, which begins with Control Point and Fortress Frontier. As much as Control Point is Oscar Britton's book and Fortress Frontier is Bookbinder's, Breach Zone was firmly Lt. Col. Jan Thorsson's, aka "Harlequin."

Which is an interesting perspective. I doubt Harlequin is close to the top of anyone's list of favorite characters in the series, but after seeing the world from his perspective, the Jaime Lannister effect takes place. Not only do you begin to respect his actions, though not all, but you begin to see that he's changed quite a bit through this whole ordeal from his initial stark, rule-following persona.

I can't deny, I wanted to see more of Oscar Britton and Allan Bookbinder. They're present, just not in the forefront as they once were, but I really enjoyed their powers and wanted to see more of each at play. At the same time, I, somehow, never really thought of the implications of being an Aeromancer and I can't say I'd complain if I was suddenly given the power of FLIGHT. Not to mention control over the elements such as wind, lightning, and generally the power of Zeus. Yeah, that's cool too.

Overall, Breach Zone is an excellent conclusion to the entire trilogy. The action is superb and the setup through the trilogy is just about perfectly satisfied in this final volume.

My only real complaint I have is with the audio narration of this novel. I have to admit that at first I thought the narrator, Korey Jackson, was perfect for the part. He's great at the different voices, does the military stuff well, and he's convincing. What could possibly go wrong right?

Well, first off, he reads really slowly. A book this size is normally 9 to 10 CD's, but this one is 12. I thought the book was just longer at first, but I checked it against the printed version and it's not really a typical 12 disc size novel. Believe me. I know this.

If I had the ability to speed it up, believe me, I would have used it. As a reviewer, however, I tend to avoid speeding up audiobooks anyway because I want to be able to criticize hear a book in its natural state.

But what the slow-reading narrator does is kill a good amount of the tension. It's hard to believe that events are ramping up when the narrator doesn't seem to care.

At the same time, he sounded detached. This could have been a result of the slow reading or very closely tied, but he just seemed to be going through the motions and I didn't hear the passion like I hear in the really good narrators.

Luckily, the strength of the narrative shines through and for the parts that didn't require a high degree of tension Jackson was great (who needs tension in a novel right?). Honestly, his voices were spot on and I can tell why he was chosen.

Shadow Ops is one of my favorite series of recent years. I dearly hope Myke Cole heads back into this world some more because it's filled with awesome. The superpowers are deftly done, and the politics are highly believable. This wasn't your run-of-the-mill meathead novel. There's great action and it keeps you thinking as well. I'll be reading anything and everything Myke Cole puts out.

4 out of 5 Stars (highly recommended)