A review by ella_holden_
The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

p. 100 ‘we are all insects… groping towards something terrible or divine’
p. 118 ‘history is passing us by’
p. 132 ‘little kids are that way; they feel if their parents aren’t watching what they do then what they do isn’t real’
p. 136 ‘we’re nothing but water inside’
p. 138 ‘a weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining into morale and hope. Falling into an interminable ennui’
p. 159 ‘it’s all darkness… nothing is true or certain. Right?’
p. 163 ‘the finite, private worry about my own particular skin’
p. 177 ‘he held it in his interior world, apart and secret, for himself alone’
p. 179 ‘Life is short, he thought. Art, or something not life, is long, stretching out endless, like concrete worm’
p. 183 ‘the paradox of our earthly situation’
p. 184 ‘there is no way in this; all is muddled. All chaos of light and dark; shadow and substance’
p. 205 ‘she tried to smile; she watched his face to see if she had. Reflection from his brain, caught my thoughts in rots’
p. 213 ‘I will go and find the small, live unseen.’ ‘Visit where things who cannot think nonetheless enjoy’. ‘Trees and zoos are not personal. I just clutch at human life. This has made me into a child, although that could be good. I could make it good’
p. 216 ‘small metal swirls, shapes that merely hinted rather than were’
p. 219 ‘enter me and inform what has been done, what it means, why. Compression of understanding into one finite squiggle’
p. 221 ‘i do not have to wait for death, for the decomposition of my animus as it wanders in search of a new womb. All the terrifying and be efficient deities; we will bypass them, and the smoky lights as well. And the couples in coitus. Everything except this light. I am ready to face without terror. Notice i do not blench’
p. 248 ‘truth, she thought. As terrible as death. But harder to find.’