A review by evitaveda
Where Heroes Were Born by Tom Dumbrell


“Life is rarely fair. But it can be beautiful.” 

The final book in The Pillars of Peace trilogy did not disappoint. In fact, it was my favourite of the series. 

If you’ve read Tom’s other books you’ll know that they’re full of exciting twists, fast-paced storytelling and lots of action. This story was a bit different. It still had action and twists, but it had a much slower start. I think the characters really benefitted from that. They were given time to develop and the reader could get properly invested before the action started. For me (a person who places more importance on characters than plot) this was a great approach. I think this book really shows how Tom’s writing has progressed as well. Especially when it comes to the focus on the characters. 

One thing I’ve missed throughout the series (and this is probably more a personal preference) is a bit more humour. I’ve talked to Tom and I think he’s quite a funny guy, so I wish he’d put more of that humour into his books. For pretty serious stories like this one, humour breaks the tension in such a good way. It would also bring the characters more to life (cause isn’t there always a person who throws out a stupid joke at the worst possible time? Or is that just me?) I did actually have some laugh-out-loud moments in this book, and I greatly appreciated them! 

In short, I’ve enjoyed this series and I can’t wait to get the super fancy special edition for my shelves. If you’re looking for a new indie author to support, look no further!