A review by alinefigueira
Manual De Assassinato Para Boas Garotas - Vol. 1 by Holly Jackson


a poor version of the game life is strange (man, I will play it again sometime)

obs to future me, when deciding to read the rest of the series 

- until 85%, it was amazing, so intertainig and catching 

- since the beginnin I knew what was up with ravi and it was bad

- it didn't sumarize all the gossip properly at the end, which makes me mad, that's an ick 

- I didn't like the final reveal, the book build up to something better, it had no flavor (and even sense?) to me

- if the main caracther had a song it would be 🎶dumb ways to die🎶

- the book has questionable morals (lying to keep personal interests, promoting no respect to law...)

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