A review by queenoferebor
Supernatural: Coyote's Kiss by Christa Faust


It has been one of the best Supernatural books I've read so far. Not only because the characters are very well portrayed, but because the plot is actually interesting. Aztec gods? Come on! After all the judeo-christian lore, that's a breath of fresh air.

Soulless!Sam seems a little bit soulful sometimes, but I get that it might be difficult to write a character like that. Dean, on the other hand is fantastic: his regrets for leaving Lisa, him missing here, drowning in alcohol to forget. I was a serious Dean/Lisa fan, and after reading "One Year Gone" I believe that Lisa deserves so much credit. She didn't have to put up with the kind of person Dean was when Sam fell into the pit, but she did nevertheless. So yay for all the Dean/Lisa feels. Plus, we get a glimpse of good ole flirty Dean.

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Xochi is another hell of a character. Some say that she's verging on the MarySue side, but honestly, take a look at our boys: resourceful, skilled fighters, one is the vessel for fraking Lucifer, the other has been torturing souls in Hell and has died countless times. Seriously, you can't take a female character who is just as badass but comes form a different tradition? Shame on you! I liked her and her chemistry with Dean. Honestly, they left me sexually frustrated.

Soooo, yeah. A very good and entertaining read. Will probably reread.

P.S: Bonus points for the old lady who gets to see Dean naked as a baby. The cut was on his hand, but any excuse is good to get a glimpse of the Winchester goods.

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