A review by alittlegreyfish
The Will and the Wilds by Charlie N. Holmberg


Thanks to Netgalley and 47North for providing this ARC.

I loved this! This is my first Charlie Holmberg book and I'll definitely be reading more.

This book follows Enna who lives on the outskirts of her village next to the Wildwood where deadly mystings roam. She owns a mysterious telling stone, which tells her when mystings are near. She lives with her father who had gone into the demon realm to obtain this safety charm for her but in doing so lost part of his mind. She is attacked by mystings and draws a summoning circle to call for aid. She ends up getting Maekallus, who is more than she bargained for.

I enjoyed the world building with all of the different demon creatures. I thought the romance arc was well done and not insta-love-y (thankfully!). I did find the beginning few chapters a bit of a slow start but once I got to Maekallus and their interactions I was hooked and read through the rest in a day. A really fun read with vibes of a Beauty and the Beast retelling.

4.5/5 rounded up.