A review by taniabotes
Will Williams by Namwali Serpell


Another novella forming part of the Disorder collection, which explores a world losing its balance. I listened to this one and the narrator, JD Jackson, did a phenomenal job and took the experience to a whole other level.

People either seem to love or hate this short, and I think this is because it depends on how you interpret the story.
Spoiler Is this a story about an evil doppelganger, or someone being haunted by his split personality? I personally think the latter.
I don't mind the ending being open, but would have liked this one to be a bit longer.

I have read [b:The Old Drift|46364052|The Old Drift|Namwali Serpell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1575301407l/46364052._SY75_.jpg|62092123] by same author and she can definitely write!