A review by gypsydawn
The Secret Girl by C.M. Stunich



Not so much a 'bully'

First off, I dislike the bully books coming out. I’m not trying to kink shame, we all enjoy different things and that is just not my style. In the words of one of my favorite Facebook Groups; Your Kink is Not My Kink.

That said - this isn’t one of those, no matter what the blurb says. Thankfully, I listened to recommendation posts and gave this KU darling a shot. These guys? They’re not bullies. They are retaliatory... and with good reason. Charolette, Chuck, comes in to an all boys school and hides her gender, because, yeah.... wouldn’t you? But she’s kind of a jerk, to everyone. She just wants to be left alone, but she goes about it the wrong way and abuses any goodwill the students might have felt for her.

So, as guys do - they strike back.... but not hard. The worst she gets is a swirly and threatened with a justifiable beatdown.... which still didn’t happen.

All in all, it’s tense but far from cruel. Reactions are age appropriate and the mystery building in the background soon sweeps the entire group up in its net, overriding most, if not all of the bullying the blurb alludes to.

Whether Bully Romance or YA settings are for you, this one is worth taking a chance on. Well written and uniquely captivating, this is C.M. Stunich at her best. Free on Kindle Unlimited!


~ Well written.

~ Age appropriate, but still not overly immature. This is a books YA and Adult readers can enjoy.

~ Good mystery.

~ Spencer!!! He thinks he may be gay or bisexual and JUST GOES WITH IT! He’s confused and       questioning his sexuality, but he's willing to figure it out - without attacking the target of his         affection. Society, take note... THIS is how you react to an unexpected physical                       attraction. 


~ I may understand her, but Chuck baby.... chill.

Favorite Line

I'm so into these reverse harem reads right now, it's ridiculous. It's practically an addiction. Ugh, don’t even get me started on how much I love The Royal Trials series by Tate James. (19%)


First Person, Single POV

Ending Type



PG-13.... for NOW. Sounds like it should edge to R for the upper YA genre.

Romantic Dynamic

I don't really know yet, LOL! At least MMMF, but it may be MMMMMF.... and I might have forgotten one.