A review by the_bookbasket
Donkerdrif by Deon Meyer


“Slaan my plat met ’n vars snoek.”
Yep, that's the quote I'm going with, because man it took me by surprise I burst out laughing.

How far are you willing to go for greed?
Maybe that should have been the blurp... Yes, just that.

When you have read a number of Meyer's books, you start to see that there is a sort of pattern he follows - two entirely different crime cases linking into one another, somewhere, somehow..
And then you get Donkerdrif... This was a book that caught me by surprise because I did not expect the ending. Maybe I should read more crime novels, I don't know, but I was waiting for the hammer on the head, to sing my dues and earn my podium as someone who solved the mystery with the characters, and then I just ... lost.

To give some background, detectives Bennie Griessal and Vaughn Cipudo have been demoted to warrant officers (it's a long story). By some wild card, they are relocated to Stellenbosch to do some low-level fieldwork for a year before they can even think of being reinstated to their former glory. But then a young police officer is killed in broad daylight. On top of that, they are now looking for a missing person - a young man who is believed to be a genius is hacking. They are trying to solve these incidents and find the young man before he is killed, but some things just don't add up.
Later, they take the trail of the real estate agent who handled the purchase transaction of Donkerdrif - an expensive wine farm that belongs to a corporate scammer Jasper Boonstra.

This all seems fine and well, until you start hoping the bad guy wins and runs away claiming victory... Have I sold it to you? I hope so.

With good jokes and non-stop detective work, Meyer really managed to keep me glued to my seat.