A review by jonetta
Devil's Cut by J.R. Ward


This trilogy has a continuing story arc and should be read in order.

The final book in the trilogy picks up right where the last ended and it didn’t disappoint. While Lane and Lizzie’s relationship has settled in, Max is still stubbornly distancing himself from Sutton (thankfully she’s tenacious) and Gin’s loveless marriage to the abusive Richard seems hopeless with Samuel T. having mixed feelings about her predicament. Youngest brother Max is in town but just barely interacting with his family. Hanging over all of them is the fate of the family business, in dire financial straits because of their late father’s shenanigans.

This was pure guilty pleasure and my rating reflects more my opinion of the entire trilogy than this last story. There was quite a bit of drama here, lots unforeseen. The relationship I was most intrigued by was that between Gin and Samuel T., as she had the biggest hole to dig out of and managed to do so but it wasn’t easy. He was my favorite character and managed to be inserted in most of the storylines.

While everything wrapped up pretty neatly, as it should, I could have used an epilogue or a couple of more chapters to really tie up more loose ends. But, I’m satisfied where things landed. The narrator was outstanding in telling the story and capturing the dialects for the male characters but pretty awful for most of the women. However, his overall performance was really good. I loved this soapy drama and hate that it’s over. 4.5 stars