A review by dirst
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
I can’t stand this book.
The characters are all extremely pretension to the point of unbelievability. They all think what they’re saying is profound and steeped in meaning, but like… guys… chill.
My favorite scenes were Sadie and Sam coming up with ideas for their game Ichigo. Least favorite scenes depicted
emotional and sexual abuse while the narrator apologetically made excuses for it.
The final nail in the coffin was when the narrator said Dov “always sought consent”
but then showed Sadie doing something she “was not into at all”. Hey friend, that’s not consent!

What the narrator was saying and what was actually happening was so disconnected.

Really not good. I don’t know why it’s so loved by so many.
This is also coming from a *gamer*. The cool kind, the kind who happily enjoys the art form.

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