A review by saracorise
Collide by Megan Hart


Review First Posted at: http://unautrehistoire.blogspot.com/

Megan Hart has penned one of my most favourite books of all time-Dirty. I loved that book, and it was because of that book, that I have kept reading her books- well and because I think she is a phenomenal writer. Now I have to say that I don't read many explicitly adult novels, so I wasn't sure about reviewing Collide for the blog, but I loved this books so much, that there was just no way I couldn't.

There have been a few of Hart's books that I have not enjoyed. Not because they weren't great, they just were not my cup of tea. So when I first read the synopsis for Collide I was a little nervous, her last paranormal, Deeper, was not one of my favourites. However, I devoured this book. It was really, really good. Hart is a fantastic writer, she describes things wonderfully and her characters are never flat and boring. They are so dynamic and so messed up, you can't help but be thankful that your own life is so normal. But reading her books never gets trivial or repetitive.

In Collide we have the protagonist, Emm. Who suffers from blackouts, and usually, that's all they are-blackouts. But upon meeting Johnny Dellasandro, the older, incredibly handsome former actor, her blackouts turn into, what she believes to be hallucinations about Johnny in his "glory days". I absolutely loved this aspect of the story, I thought it was great. Here was Emm. Having a relationship with Johnny in the past, and not getting much attention from Johnny of the present. It was fun to read.

The plot may not have been the most original, very The Time Traveller's Wife-esq, but I loved The Time Traveller's Wife, so Collide was perfect.

I want to mention briefly the sexually explicit content. Although Collide is categorized as an 'erotic' novel, I wouldn't consider it such, I would say it was a romance novel, with a few extra sex scenes Yes, it does have some explicit content, but, I wouldn't say it was graphic. I have read romance novels that were more sexually graphic then this one. There are also other novels by Hart that are more obscene then this one. This is fairly tame.

For me, Collide was a hit, and if you're curious about reading it, please do so-but only if you're 18 or older.

~Happy Reading Everyone!