A review by thegeekybibliophile
The Last Sacrifice by Joe Hart, Stuart Moore


The Last Sacrifice is a tie-in to Hart's Dominion Trilogy, telling the story of what happened to Janie Tenner. Readers of the Dominion Trilogy will recognize her as the sister of Chelsea Tenner, and will recall her relating the story of Janie's abduction to Zoey in The Last Girl. In this graphic novel, we learn what happened to Janie after she was taken.

I'm the type of reader who always wants to know more, so I was excited to read Janie's story. Knowing what happened to her satisfied my curiosity immensely, and rounded out the series nicely, in my opinion.

The artwork throughout is beautifully done, easily conveying Janie's horror, fear, etc. and giving the written words far more depth than they would have had, alone. I was amused to see a character who had a very strong resemblances to a certain actor, but it definitely set the mood for that character's actions, so it worked for me.

A word of caution: you really shouldn't read The Last Sacrifice as a stand-alone story. I've seen many reviews with readers opining that it didn't make sense, or was too vague about what happened previously, giving lower ratings as a consequence. I can understand the frustration these readers must have felt because if you read it as a story that stands on its own, it's not going to make sense to you. This graphic novel was never meant to be read as a stand-alone, however, as it gives a small slice of a much larger story. In order to fully appreciate this story, you really need to read the series, as well—otherwise, you're most likely bound to be confused and disappointed.

I received an advance review copy of this book courtesy of Goodreads Giveaways and the author.