A review by linesuponapage
A Country Road, A Tree by Jo Baker


I thoroughly enjoyed this fictional book about Samuel Beckett. I wondered if the fictional Suzanne was anything like his wife Suzanne as they didn't seem fit for each other.

I loved the prose of this story, the working in of James Joyce as Beckett's mentor and the struggle to write during the war. It was endearing and great to read so much of Beckett's life in the story.

What I didn't enjoy was the unknown name of Beckett in the first few chapters as I didn't read a review or synopsis of the book ahead of time. I had to do that after reading and going backward trying to find out the little boys name. I might have enjoyed the first few chapters better if I didn't feel like I had to sleuth out his name.

Over all this was a great page turner. I wanted to see where Samuel and Suzanne would end up next and if they would ever find peace and a feeling of protection.