A review by lattelibrarian
The Circuit by Francisco Jiménez


It's been far too long since I'd read any chicano literature!  This was one of my main literatures of study back in undergrad, so strangely speaking, reading this was a little bit like going home.  I was glad to get yet another perspective on immigration and farmwork, especially during today's political climate.  

Based in both reality and creative nonfiction, Jimenez recorded both his memories as well as stories from his parents and siblings in order to construct this collection of short stories.  This is just fantastic, showing Francisco's want to be like his brother and father and work on the farms, but also wanting to go to school and learn English and further his education.  

This collection of stories shows just how difficult the work they did is--certainly it's backbreaking, overwhelming in the heat.  But their hands are dry, cracked, bleeding.  They can't pick cotton when it's wet because the weight from the dew in the cotton will make it so that the farm owners will have to pay them more.  They have to avoid la migra wherever they go, must live in small tents, must live without medical help.  

There's such vivid emotions in Jimenez's accounts, blended extremely well with facts and reality.  If there's a chicano book that any of you all should read, it's this one.  

Review cross-listed here!