A review by danlewisfw
The Gatekeeper by James Byrne


At the start of this book I thought I would end up not enjoying it because the writing style reminded me of R.R. Haywood in A Town Called Discovery. It felt like I was in a pitch meeting instead of reading a book so it does cost it a star for that but once the story got going it was exceptional. Dez is a fantastic character that I hope will continue in future books. It reminded me a lot of the Jack Reacher series in that its a wandering hero who steps in to stop a large group of bad guys. Dez is a mix of Jason Statham's character from the fast and the furious movies and Jack Reacher. If you like the Lee Child books you should like this this. Think of him as the British Jack Reacher.

I want to thank NetGalley for providing me an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. I cant quite give this five stars just because of a few quirks in the writing style and a fairly large continuity error late in the book. I could have missed something but I do not think so and the continuity error is a big one. Other than that if you want to enjoy an ass kicking character taking on a large group of bad guys this book is going to be right up your alley.
