A review by extragravy
The Recognitions by William Gaddis


Started off pretty good, then slowly unraveled. None of the characters were satisfyingly developed. Lots of references to falseness and shallowness of the world... obvious, not eye opening or surprising, repetitive focus on this from different angles and different situations, etc... all obvious. I got the impression some of this was probably edgy when it was written, but now doesn't feel edgy at all, just clearly toxic people being toxic. Really, rather disappointing... Oh yeah and all the stammered sentences, unfinished thoughts... ug.

Rating and Recommendations
Not a 5 because I would never read this a second time. Not a 4 because I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. Not a 3 because it was so dissatisfying. A 2 because I would actively discourage others from reading this, and maybe a 1 because it was almost a waste of my time. 1.5 rounded up to a 2.