A review by amym84
The Angels' Share by J.R. Ward


The Angels' Share picks up about three days after the events in [b:The Bourbon Kings|23355896|The Bourbon Kings (The Bourbon Kings, #1)|J.R. Ward|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1414595442s/23355896.jpg|42912504] and pretty much chronicles the fall out from said events. I'm trying not to spoil anything for anyone that hasn't read the first book, but so much in this book hinges on what went down with the first one that it might be difficult. Suffice it to say, you definitely don't want to pick up book 2 without having read book 1.

Lane is thrust into the position of trying to pick up the family from scandal and bankruptcy. As he digs farther into the family accounts things begin to look bleaker and bleaker for not only the company but the Baldwine-Bradfords as well.

As in the first book, I just couldn't look away from the unfolding story of this family. The Southern edicts, and essentially how carefully everything must be spun in order to find a way out of the mess. Lane certainly has a lot on his plate. But what I loved the most was the pillar of strength that Lane and Lizzie's relationship represents. It was one of the few constants within the story. There are others of course such as Miss Aurora and Lane's friend Jeff, but having that relationship be undeniable and good was essential when much of the cast of characters are devious and more often than not have a "love to hate (or hate to love)" quality about them.

But with that being said, I love the way JR Ward has written this privileged old-money Southern family. Because for every wrong decision and bad move, the moments of kindness, or the times when they do the right thing shine through even greater, and makes me have hope that maybe by the end of the series they can all turn their lives around and find out what truly matters, and hint: it's not money that matters. We start to see them coming to that realization, like Lane when he finally commits to Lizzie, and Ward wrote those moments perfectly.

A highlight of the story, and it's stated in the blurb so this is no spoiler, is the return of elusive brother Maxwell Bradford. Ward keeps his character and his character's motivations still cloaked in mystery which, in turn, keeps me on the edge of my seat for the next book, but many things are implied and / or hinted at that are very interesting indeed.

As with the first book, Ward weaves through the varying twists and turns with ease giving each character enough page time to grow in some way (whether good or bad remains to be seen in some cases). There's not much that jumps out and completely surprises me, and by the end it's pretty certain where things are headed, but you can definitely be sure, with this family, nothing is as it seems on the surface. I expect events from The Angels' Share will lead us nicely into book 3.

*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.