A review by booksandlemonsquash
This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada


Love love love. This wild ride was perfection from start to finish. I just love this series so much.

This book takes the bombshells dealt in the last two books and just keeps them coming - you think you have solid ground under your feet? Ha. Foolish reader. That is one of the many things I love so much about this series, it is so fast paced and adrenaline fuelled, with twists and turns aplenty.

Cat continues to be a bad ass main character, even without access to her body, and folding in Jun Bei worked so well for me.

I’m not going to lie - in places this is even more outlandish than I was expecting, but honestly? You already know if that’s something you mind by reading the first two books. I definitely didn’t mind :D

There’s no way to discuss this without major spoilers but in case my rave didn’t clue you in - I love this series. It’s just so good, so clever and brilliant. Read it.