A review by tabatha_shipley
Xenocide by Orson Scott Card


What I Did Like:
+The entire discussion about whether it’s ever right or justified to eliminate another species, even when it is trying to eliminate you, is FASCINATING. It’s, obviously, the entire concept for this series and it has played out in various ways across the books. It continues in this one and lets us into many of those “closed door” conversations. It definitely was written to make you think.
+In the same vein, this is a book that isn’t afraid to look at the idea of control vs free will in an interesting way. The debate this could spark in an open minded book group would be amazing. Nothing is safe from this introspective look, not even religion and the existence of god(s).
+Jane and all the philosophical discussions around her. It seems obvious to me that the next book in the series will continue to delve into Jane, how she came to be, and what happens to her next.

Who Should Read This One:
-Fans of speculative science fiction with big themes on philosophy, creation, religion, and life. This book is intended to make you think and examine things in a new way.

My Rating: 3 Stars
The heavy nature of this one makes it a bit more niche, but it’s worth it if you like big themes.

For Full Review: https://alltherightreads.com/2023/11/08/2023-book-review-xenocide/