A review by ebokhyllami
Scarecrow Returns by Matthew Reilly


Reilly strikes again! No one writes hard core action thrillers like this author! I am thoroughly amazed and gets totally blown away! This novel contains nonstop: explosions, bullets flying, rocket launchers boom'ing, totally unbelievable stunts, a litte bit conspiracy, a touch of romance, some lame conversations and our hero Scarecrow who handles it all. People with heart problems should be warned about this book, and action junkies can use this novel as their daily fix. There are no slow parts in this book anywhere! I couldn't stop reading it. I started and ended the novel yesterday - in one go. And I want more! Much more!

There are no author who manages to pump my adrenaline as Reilly with his Scarecrow hero. I have to admit I am very hooked on James Bond-, Mission Impossible- & Die Hard movies to mention just a few. If you have the same tendencies - buy this book! If you love action you should definately not miss out on this novel. Yes, it's unrealistic, and yes - this is way over the top - but that's why we love it! Keep them coming, Reilly!