A review by spicymakeupreads
Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


@hdcarltonauthor really did an amazing job with this one.

I’m going to try to keep y’all as in the dark as possible because this story deserves to read.

As in the pic check the warnings even the author says it’s darker than the first and she MEANS it.

Addie is not in a good place a lot of this book. The author really dove deep into sex trafficking and the aftermath of victims.

You’ll want to tear your hair out but Addie and Z being apart for so long is essential to the story and their relationship.

If I had 20 stars I’d throw it at this book. It def deserves more than a 5.

Also And I’m sorry to my family for this part of the review but…the spicy scenes with Z?????? Those are gonna be playing in my fantasies rent free prolly till I’m 6ft under.
