A review by amandalynnhuffman
Ryan Retribution (Discreet Special Edition) by Sadie Kincaid


Here we go again. This is the third book and I still feel the same way, but I sure am about to go read book 4. I think I have some kind of book Stockholm syndrome with this series. I really don’t like it. But I like it just enough that I want to see how it ends, I guess?

Still mildly like the characters and the plot. Still very annoyed with the juvenile writing and total improbability of the majority of what’s happening. Example: Liam is 20 shades of messed up. MULTIPLE broken ribs, broken fingers and other stuff, burns all over, etc. etc. He’s so bad off that he’s apparently sleeping for 16 hours a day. And yet, he is medically cleared in a week to workout?! One week? For multiple broken ribs? Is that accurate? I feel like not. Also, OMG with the porniness. I am not exaggerating when I say that you can’t go three paragraphs without her doing someone. I am doing so much skimming. It’s insane. I’m all for spice, but good freaking grief. Have a conversation. Play a board game. Read a book. Take a walk. There ARE other things to do in the world! I digress.

Here’s hoping book 4 is the miracle winner I’ve been waiting for! And if not…I’ll still read it because I am apparently incapable of quitting this series.