A review by avalydia
Flower Net by Lisa See


The romance between the two main characters was laughably bad, and the stiffness of the writing/dialogue in their interactions reminded me of Robert Ludlum's [b:The Bourne Identity|515608|The Bourne Identity (Jason Bourne, #1)|Robert Ludlum|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1267489812s/515608.jpg|859111] (not a flattering comparison, I can assure you). The rest of the story was interesting enough, but since I'm assuming the romance between Hulan and David will feature prominently in the next two books, I'm not inclined to finish the trilogy. Especially after passages like this:

They stood facing each other. He put his hand on her cheek, then slowly let it glide along her neck, over her collarbone, down to her breast. They took their time unbuttoning each other's clothes. His mouth lingered on Hulan's nipples. She moaned in response to the caress. Soon her lips sought the tender nook under his left ear, then went to the hollow place at the base of his neck before continuing their downward journey. Tonight David and Hulan would make their passion last.

Dear lord. This is why authors should hire fanfic writers for their sex scenes.