A review by davidjordan
Close to Birds: An Intimate Look at Our Feathered Friends by Mats Ottosson, Åsa Ottosson, Roine Magnusson


“Birds touch us.” With this simple understatement, Mats & Asa Ottoson begin their compelling presentation of bird photos, detailed descriptions, entertaining stories, and brief interviews with bird enthusiasts. A reader who has chosen this title probably understands that phrase already, but even the initially skeptical will be happily converted, touched by birds, after reading this glorious volume.
One encounters here descriptions of flight abilities that astonish, feeding habits and strategies of startling ingenuity, and natural adaptations of color and shade that boggle the mind. Fascinating migratory patterns are explained, and helpful information for finding and observing particular species are shared.
The authors avoid the off-putting dryness that occasionally accompanies the written communication of natural science, opting instead for a style that is surprisingly enjoyable, frequently witty, and always fascinating. Kira Josefsson deserves a tremendous amount of credit for an English translation that is flawless. In addition, it must be noted here that Roine Magnusson's photos are breathtaking, and contribute no small amount of wonder to an already enjoyable text.
Upon completing this book, I am inspired to immediately head outdoors to revel in my enhanced knowledge of birds and renewed interest in their unique role in our world and my life.
"Birds touch us."
(Thanks to NetGalley and Roost books for the digital Advance Reading Copy)