A review by samanthamurk
The Curvy Tree by Chris Colfer


Children's Fiction, Fairy Tale, Adventure

I loved these books so so so so much!!!!!!! I was completely obsessed for years, I wouldn't shut up about them!! I think I read the first on is 2nd or 3rd grade. I remember these were the first books that I ever had to wait for them to come out, it was the most frustrating, devastating, and enraging thing lol. I had to wait for at least the last two maybe 3. I listened to them too, they were read by Chris Colfer. I actually just bought this whole series, because they were my absolute favorite!!!!!! I am for sure going to re read them soon!! You know how millennials are with Harry Potter? this is my Harry Potter (except it's way better and it wasn't written by a terf(as far as I know at least)it's also just so much better). 

Ok this is the story of two twins Connor and Alex. They find a book (the land of stories) that was their grandma's and they fall into the fairy tale world. They travel through this world throughout the books. 

I also read the spin offs when they came out and loved every one of them!!!!

Again this is one of my all time favorites, I was so completely obsessed!! I want a movie so bad. I also had such a crush on Goldie locks and also Bree and Prince Arthur, but mostly Goldie locks. These books are such a huge part of my childhood, I don't even have words to say how much I fucking love love love these books!!
-August 2022