A review by meemzter
Winter Soldier: Second Chances by Kyle Higgins


The MCU has made me into a MASSIVE Bucky Barnes fan, so I decided to do some dabbling in the comics. It’s been a long time since I followed comics and this is my first time reading Bucky content. I picked this up on a whim without really knowing what it was, but lucky me, it’s #1-5 of a Winter Soldier comic, so an absolutely perfect place to jump in.

I loved this and hoo boi do I love Bucky in this. It focuses on all the aspects of the character that I have enjoyed in the films (angsty, dark, brooding, heart-of-gold) and, bless, is all about Bucky. There are a few fun cameos from Ironman, and Sharon Carter is a character throughout, but this is Bucky’s story and it’s fun to see him featured in a way we never got and will never get in the film adaptations.

Basically, this was good! I want more.