A review by crankyoldnerd
Deus Encarmine by James Swallow


I'm knew to the games workshop universe and wanted to read some stories in it while I paint up my first game pieces. Since it seems the space marines are the most paid attention too I thought I'd start this series and see what I think.

I must say, so far I've read about four books of various authors. They certainly make the space marines and humans of the 41st millennia out to be some evil dudes. The constant betrayal is downright annoying. I guess in an universe gained by war forever this would happen but it'd be nice to have a good guy to root for.

The book flowed well and I didn't find myself pushing through just to finish. The characters were great and believable and you didn't
T need a history of space marines to understand what was going on. Things were explained just enough as you went along. Not sure if I will finish the series, but this was a great start