A review by josi767
Discourses and Selected Writings by Epictetus

reflective relaxing slow-paced




Man, the rational animal, can put up with anything except what seems to him itrational; whatever is rational is tolerable. 

If I had to be deceived into believing that externals, which lie outside our power, are not man’s proper concern, personally I would consent to such a deception, provided it really could enable me to live an untroubled life, in peace of mind. Which condition you prefer you can determine for yourself. 

One person does not notice a contradiction in his reasoning; he is unfortunate. Another person notices it, all right, but does not budge and does not back down; he is even more unfortunate. 

Now that you know all this, come and appreciate the resources you have, and when that is done, say, ‘Bring on whatever difficulties you like, Zeus; I have resources and a constitution that you gave me by means of which I can do myself credit whatever happens.’ But no. There you sit, worrying that certain events might happen, already upset and in a state about your present circumstances. So then you reproach the gods. 

you have these powers free and entirely your own, you don’t use them, because you still don’t realize what you have or where it came from. 

Proof and persuasion are great talents, when they are trained, and especially when they’re complemented by a certain amount of verbal elegance.

Look, if you get it, then you will have it; if not, you will depart this life: the door is open. Why complain? What place is there left for tears? What occasion for flattery? Why should one man envy another? Why should he admire those who have many possessions, or those who are strong in power and quick to anger?

But we, on the other hand, identify with our stomachs, guts and genitals. Because we are still vulnerable to fear and desire, we flatter and creep before anyone with the power to hurt us where any of those things are concerned.

And where there is ignorance, there is also want of learning and instruction in essentials.’

Whenever we do something wrong, then, from now on we will not blame anything except the opinion on which it’s based; and we will try to root out wrong opinions with more determination than we remove tumours or infections from the body.

And we, not externals, are the masters of our judgements

When you are by yourself you should call it peace and liberty, and consider yourself the gods’ equal. When you’re with a large group you shouldn’t say you’re in a mob or crowd, but a guest at a feast or festival – and in that spirit learn to enjoy it.