A review by elliotalderson
Síndrome Psíquica Grave by Alicia Thompson


Actual rating: 3.75 stars.

I have never read a book where the main character reminded me so much of... well, me. The very first page, with the Incomplete Sentences, made me go ''Holy crap!'' because it was exactly how I would have filed it out. The more I read, the more I related. Leigh's a much cooler version of me.

Leigh has a really strong and amazing voice. She seemed like a real teen with real problems. I liked that I felt like I knew her. I felt that way with all of the characters, actually, even minor ones who were only in the story for a few pages. Nathan was something special. I'm trying to think of one word to describe him and all that comes to mind is 'delicious.' Also, something about this book was refreshing for some reason. It kind of just makes me... happy.

I'd definitely recommend this to people I know and other people that love to read.