A review by captwinghead
Ultimate Comics: Iron Man by Nathan Edmondson, Matteo Buffagni


2.5 stars

My chief complaint with these books is that, when afforded a chance to create a universe and do new things with established characters: these are the choices they made. Tony is more of a womanizer here than in any other Ults comic I've read which is interesting because nothing in the previous comics suggested he'd be this way. He slept with Natasha and flirted with everyone (including men) but he was not a womanizer. So, thanks for that.

Carol is the Pepper Potts figure in this comic and slept with Tony for... reasons. When granted a chance to redo Carol Danvers, this is what they went with? Great.

Speaking of, why doesn't Pepper seem to exist in this universe?

I don't like the change to Jarvis. It also confuses me because I'm pretty sure I remembered an older Jarvis from the Ultimates main comic line?

The art is pretty. I will give it that. Tony was gorgeous and I appreciated the look to his armor here more than any other Ultimates comic.

The plot was moderately interesting, especially when they revealed it was two women that were causing so much trouble with Tony's technology. Then they had to ruin that and make it so that one of them slept with Howard because every female character in this comic has slept with one of the men. *Sighs*

I will say, I liked what they did with Tony and Howard's relationship. It was fairly well done and that's the only reason this is 2.5 stars instead of 1.