A review by rachelcdm
Meet Me In Another Life by Catriona Silvey


I have mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand the ending really hit me in the feels, and I loved the concept and enjoyed the style of writing.

On the other had it took me ages to finish reading, it seemed to take half the book to get into the meat of the story and then the big twist felt… I don’t know. Confusing? Underwhelming? I’m not sure.

I truly loved the setting though, and I loved the idea that one person can be literally everything to you. In my eyes, Thora and Santi were very distinguishable from one another, and in every version of themselves they felt real.

But I was left too many questions about the “echoes” of the people around them. I also don’t think it was clear WHY they had to go through so many lives together in so many forms. (By this I mean I understood the reason that was given, it just didn’t convince me. Hope/despair/balance… yadayadayada.)

I guess my biggest issue though, is with the pacing. It simply didn’t need to be as long as it was and I’m convinced it would have been so much more exciting to read if they “remembered” each other a few chapters sooner.

That ending though. Ooofff.