A review by rotellareads
Rescue She by Kara Liane


This was my first book by this author and the blurb alone had me hooked!

I fell in love with this book in the first few chapters! I thought the characters were well written and extremely likable. Their past and the depths of their demons made it easy to feel compassion for them. I fell head over heels for Weston and his back story!

Somewhere around the middle of the book things started to sputter out for me. The story line was moving along at a great pace until the hero and heroine's "second chance" encounter and then it felt like they moved at lightning speed through their feelings and building a relationship after almost 2 decades apart. I totally get the fact that they were in love with each other and had 16 years to make up for but it felt very forced and all too fast moving given their personalities. Due to this fast paced relationship, things fell apart very quickly between the two and left a bitter taste in my mouth. All the sudden the hero becomes this dark, gloomy, self loathing guy which was so unlike the entire build up of his persona.

I will say the ending of the book was so spectacular! Everything fell into place and it was the sweetest, most magical "please forgive me" scenario I've ever read! I swooned so hard over Wes and his heart!

It took some time to get used to the author's writing style which was extremely descriptive to the point that I started skimming over lines because I didn't need to know the amount of detail that was put into mundane scenes. As a whole, I enjoyed this book and rated it a 3.5/5 stars. I would love to see follow up books around the supporting characters, specifically Grant and Mal!!!

Thank you to Enticing Journey PR for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.