A review by thesaint08d
Lola by Melissa Scrivner Love


I usually have no specific concerns over what I learned from a book and its author but golly gee whiz this book was just so educational how could I not share my gained knowledge.

First I learned that the Barrio is poor and the people there live hard lives...Ok fair enough the background for the book should show some world building but it was a little to ...Beat me over the head with it...whatever not its biggest sin.

Second I learned that a drug dealer and a drug gang can be made heroes, the "Good Guys" mostly by not actually ever showing them selling any drugs.

Third I learned that men are complete and absolute idiots who cant do anything right, cant follow orders are just background jokes led to do dumb things because they are too emotional.

Fourth I learned that woman are the bestest most awesomest people in the whoollleee world. They can lead drug, gangs while cooking and cleaning and become the perfect mother to a stray child in just one day, always doing the right thing based on calm collected thought without emotion for most of a book (then suddenly become a caring emotional creature for a complete stranger who is an enemies mother just because)...and just let me stop.

This book is not women power this book is ANTI-MAN, especially the dumb white man. With lines like ...."Because women can do more than men" God if that isnt the truth Lola thinks.... through the entire book Id swear it was written by a pretty hard core man hater.
I want to read a book with a strong female hero/protagonist not this rhetoric.
One of the first fantasy books I ever read was The Swordswomen by Jessica Amanda Salmonson back in 1982 and Have searched for great female leads since but this is just not that,
Most of this book is just blah blah... men are stupid... blah blah... woman are superhuman... blah blah...BTW we are a drug gang who never really do anything wrong through the whole book and are just a victim of circumstance.

And Just let me say some of the events of the resolution and climax are so damn stupid and unbelievable that any positives you might have gained go right out the damn window...Im going to include some spoilers below so be warned I will give you some space though...

So Lola kills a Very large, big, fat all of the above, drug lord with a piece of glass that she stepped on, and pulls from her foot, by stabbing him in the neck with it and he dies instantly instead of bleeding out over a period of time while two of his hired muscle just stand and watch... and to make matters worse these two hired muscle show up on her doorstep later with their heads low in respect to ask if they could PLEASE work for her. There more but I thought this should suffice.
P.S. I had to come back because I forgot about the kid...Lucy, who during the climax becomes some kind of super Genius knowing what and where the drugs are and what Lola is thinking, and that Lola needs to start the place on fire and is ok holding a burning cigarette in her palms without pain or fear... The end of this is just Nic Cage level stupid and unrealistic.

I cant help it this book just made me feel...dumb, bored, hated, patronized. Read it if you want im sure there's some women who will praise it, whatever, enjoy I just prefer my crime novels to have a little realism... Good Luck