A review by paulabrandon
Cutting Edge by Allison Brennan


Standard romantic suspense thriller in which FBI agent Nora English is on the trail of domestic terrorists who are anti animal testing and bio-engineering and so forth. Except their latest attack has resulted in a death. However, it turns out this death occurred before the fire, in which the victim slowly bled to death from multiple small cuts.

One of the members of Nora's task force is Duke Rogan the head of the security firm that handled the security system for the latest attack, acting as consultant. He's been wanting to date her for the four years he's known her, but Nora has the standard I'm-too-afraid-to-love-because-it-means-losing-someone narrative. Nora's history includes sending her own mother to prison for domestic terrorism, and it becomes apparent the latest events are connected to Nora in some way.

I don't have much to say other than that it's neither the best nor worst of its type. It moved along at a reasonable pace, and was simple enough that I was able to come back to it in bits and pieces over five or so days without missing anything. Completely unremarkable, but that's not always a bad thing. Some days it's relaxing to read something that delivers exactly what you expect from it.