A review by erikajay
Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco


*Minor spoilers below*

Oh, wow. This book was bad for so many reasons.

First, it is difficult to just read about illusions. It just isn’t the same as seeing them, so all of the scenes that went in depth with the illusions just didn’t grab my attention.

Second, I don’t feel like there was ever a good suspect presented. The entire book was Audrey Rose running around suspecting literally everyone, but never really doing much investigating. She basically just had a bunch of improper interactions with Mephistopheles.

Third, whyyyyy would Maniscalco introduce a love triangle?? That was the worst thing that she could do. I love a good love triangle... but when it makes sense! Audrey Rose is already engaged though so she shouldn’t be running around kissing another boy. I’m not even a huge fan of Audrey Rose and Thomas, but I was at least happy they were finally together. I never thought I’d say this, but poor Thomas Cresswell!

Fourth, Audrey Rose is so unlikable. I shouldn’t hate the main character by the end of the book. AR is supposed to be really smart and great at her job, but we just don’t see that in this book. She never really makes any advancements in the case. She just keeps suspecting everyone the entire time. She also doesn’t do much with the autopsies. Then she’s all upset and hurt when an ILLUSIONIST, someone who literally has a job of tricking people, isn’t completely honest with her. Why would she expect him to be?? I also have a big problem with her running around and cheating (I do consider kissing other people to be cheating) on her fiancé.

Fifth, her deal with Mephistopheles was unnecessary. I understand that she had a deal with Mephistopheles, but when bodies are piling up and your actions are clearly hurting your fiancé, it’s time to come clean and explain what’s happening. AR’s top priorities should have been Thomas and the case, not Mephistopheles. And her deal with Mephistopheles didn’t even help her solve the case! If anything, it just distracted her from her job.