A review by nakedkitties
Lost in the Forest by Sue Miller


I stumbled across Miller in an attempt to find authors who had a similar style to Wally Lamb. I checked out 2 of her works from the library, The World Below and this one. I read World Below first and wasn't impressed so I was hesitant to even read this book...but I'm really glad I did. I felt the characters in this writing were far more developed. I felt for and loved almost all of them (with the exception of Emily, the eldest, but I think that's due to the fact she wasn't given much "airtime").

One reader comment stated that this book was "disturbing", which I think is highly dramatic. Yes, while it does deal with some heavy issues...death, divorce, sexual abuse, family dynamics... it was far from the type of book that makes you feel as though you need a shower after having read it. In fact (and I might be entirely alone in this) I didn't hate the abuser in this book...actually I didn't even dislike him. I'm not saying I condoned the actions, just simply that it's written in such a way that you can almost see the humanity in the situation.

Overall, I think it was a beautiful book that though simply written still managed to be thought provoking and touching.