A review by sonja_ahrb
The Complete Irreparable Boxed Set by Sam Mariano


I hadn’t planned on reading the Irreparable Duet right now, I was going to read all the Morelli Family books, but there was a note at the end of Accidental Witness saying that there were spoilers about the duet in the next couple of Morelli books, so I just decided to go ahead and read Ethan and Willow’s story. I went into it mostly blind, I pretty much only glanced at the synopsis before diving in and while I didn’t really have any expectations on what it was about, this duet was still unexpected for me. It was the good kind of unexpected though.

The Irreparable Duet aren’t usually the type of books I read and I’m not talking about the age difference, I’ve read older pairings, so that didn’t bother me. I don’t want to go into too much detail because I don’t want to spoil it, I’ll just say that this storyline normally would be out of my normal comfort zone, but it didn’t really feel like it. Ms. Mariano writes in such a way that even though you might feel conflicted about the hero and heroine whether on their own or as couple, you’re still routing for them to make it on their own and together no matter how unorthodox they and their relationship might be. They’re not completely easy to read, there were moments fraught with difficultly, uncertainty, and tension. Ethan and Willow’s story is heartbreaking and maddening at times, but it’s also heart melting, funny, and sweet too. I did enjoy this duet, I’m glad Ethan and Willow got their happy ending and I’m looking forward to getting back to the Morellis now — that is if I don’t go running right back into doing a re-read of Untouchable!

~ Sonja, 4 Stars