A review by katiedermody
The Good Sister by Gillian McAllister

Okay, wow this book was a lot for someone who has primarily been reading romances with the odd bio or thriller thrown in. I thought I had read another book by this author that was a thriller but it turns out I haven't and was thinking of someone else, so I went into this not really knowing anything. It is a courtroom drama about a family torn apart when an eight week old baby died under the care of her aunt, who has now been charged with murder. It's mainly from the baby's mother's point of view as she experiences the trial not knowing what to believe about her sister. Then there are witness statements and a few other POVs scattered throughout at times. I guessed decently early on what could have happened and ended up being partially right, but it wasn't revealed until the end so it didn't ruin things for me. I'd probably read another by this author but would make sure I'd do more research about it going in so I could be more mentally prepared.