A review by davidgilani
Failures of State: The Inside Story of Britain's Battle with Coronavirus by George Arbuthnott, Jonathan Calvert


Very, very interesting. Also incredibly vindicating.

A comprehensive summary of all the failures that the Conservative Government under Boris made across the course of the pandemic. From the missing of Cobra meetings, to playing down the threat in media, to prioritising building relations with China and India for his post-Brexit trade deals, to being so late to start a lockdown, to issuing criteria that excluded those most vulnerable from ICU and resuscitation care, to wasting money on re-starting the economy too early, to delaying a second lockdown, to blaming the scientists. The list is incredible.

We have been told so much that Boris got all the big decisions right (in the context of Partygate). The journalists who have written this book have thrown that argument out the window. His decisions were so wrong that it needlessly cost thousands of lives.