A review by echoes01
Batman: No Man's Land by Greg Rucka


I listened to the audiobook version and I really enjoyed it. Though it was more like a radio drama than a traditional audiobook. There was a full cast and sound effects and the production company did a really good job with it (though I really couldn't stand Harley's voice actress :/).

The story itself was engaging and the reader gets to "see" a lot of fan favorites from the Batman universe like Bane (the interactions with Batman were hilarious, in my opinion), Joker (who does a decent Mark Hamill impression), Two-Face (I was rooting for him), Huntress (awesome redemption arc), even a new Batgirl (who I can't mention because that would spoil the surprise, but it's awesome ^_^)

This was a fun ride and I'd recommend it. Now I'm off to read the comic version :)