A review by timeliss
Breathless by Jessica Warman


I absolutly loved this book, from the first page to the last. i started reading this book at eight pm, and i finished it at about 2 in the morning. I loved how the author made sure there weren't any unnecessary characters; everyone mentioned was there for a reason. My favorite character was Drew. Funny, beautiful Drew. He made the book soo much better with those comments of his like in his car when he declared, "Katie, I'm ready for you to start giving me blow jobs" or when Katie tried to reassure him that Eddie was just a friend and he said, "I can spot gays from a mile away". I died laughing. the author did a good job of making it so she doesn't get in to Yale and chooses to go to Harvard with Drew. Them staying friends even ten years later was the icing on the cake.
I loved the relationship Katie had with Mazzie. They could insult eachother for hours but it was all in good spirit. i wish we knew how her mother died though. I liked how Mazzie knew all of Katie's secrets, even though she claimed to hate her. she saw Will's antics for himslef, but still chose to not to judge. They were roomates the entire time and that made their bond stronger.
I liked how fast this book moved. most authors have to write two or three books to be able to describe high school, but this author did all four years(plus ten years later)in one book, with lots of detail.
Most of all, i loved Katie's relationship with Will. even though he was crazy the entire story it was never his fault. the drugs, the hateful teachers and neighbors, the drunk and barely there parents drove him over the edge. But Katie was always there, being his partner in crime. She never resented him, just wished he was better. with him being in and out of different youth facilities, she always had swimming to count on. 10 Stars!!!