A review by ihaveitchyfingersforthatbooksy
Knit One, Die Two by Peggy Ehrhart


In the end the repetitive almost word-for-word descriptions of Pamela's daily activities did become tiresome. I also did not see the point of dangling neighbor Richard Larkin in there once again when literally nothing happened with that. I think that's the second book that he's in now, but the pace between the supposed potential for romance is so glacial that it seems useless to have included it. Though this is not billed as a romance, it doesn't mean that there can't be any sort of movement for that, however chaste. I was also annoyed by the denouement, when the murderer is revealed. I felt somewhat duped or tricked (though I had figured it out), and I think there were too many suspects - I kept getting them confused. I will still read more in the series, if only for a cozy break between more challenging reads.