A review by c_marie_writes
A Merry Little Meet Cute by Julie Murphy, Sierra Simone


*update on my re-read. And I still love it! Even more the second time through, to be honest. Bee and Nolan are so cute together, and I am glad I gave it another read before I moved on to book 2!

There is so much fun in this book, and Julie and Sierra make a great team writing Christmas Notch, I can't wait to read more from the duo.

I went into this one blindly and enjoyed it quite a bit. Some of the repetitive "fat" comments and "boy bind" BS were a bit too much, but I just let that slip by.

A cute romance, that involves a plus size $ex worker meeting her teen idol by chance, filling in for a Hallmark-type Christmas movie, on the fly. Obviously not really plausible, but it's FICTION so I won't let that bother me.

Cute, steamy holiday read.