A review by sheamaryfitz
Men and Dogs by Katie Crouch


I definitely liked this novel more than Crouch's last, Girls in Trucks. I think I would probably give it a 2.5 though. It was a good story but like the last one, it felt short to me. It's almost 300 pages but sometimes I wonder what took up those 300 pages because it seems like not a whole lot happened as far as plot. I will say that I didn't believe the main character, Hannah, was as old as the book says she is; she just doesn't seem like a 35 year old to me (maybe that's just me though, do I know what a 35 year old should act like?). I'm just saying, I would have believed it more if the author was in her twenties. I think I actually liked Hannah's brother Palmer's part of the story better than I liked hers. He was an interesting character and I thought his take on what happened to his father/why he left and then finding out what really happened was very interesting.
Overall the book read pretty well. I finished it in 2 days (partly because it was a one week loan from the library!).