A review by haj2296
Break Me by Meagan Brandy


A fantastic finale!

I don’t even know where to begin. I loved Royce from the moment he was introduced in Boys of Brayshaw. The perfect witty, arrogant playboy to even out the Brayshaw brothers. And I only grew to love him over the next books. He was cocky and funny, but oh so dark and compelling and I couldn’t wait to see what girl could match with him. Brielle was a breath of fresh air to the Brayshaw world. Raven and Veronica and their boys fought so hard for their happily ever after. Brielle came in and didn’t want to fight it. She was accepting and happy to jump right into the mess of a new life. Royce gave her messy and she never let it phase her, never stopped being herself. I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to this series. I can only hope we get to see what the Kids of Brayshaw are up to next!