A review by cheriii_16
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater


oh my godd what an ending. I absolutely loved this book, it was the perfect conclusion to the series. out of all four of them this one was definitely my favorite. it gave me horror vibes and at times it was kinda scary lol. those creepy scenes (adam and his eye, noah getting possessed, and adam and ronan when they were dreaming) were my favorites. my heart was beating and I got so nervous when reading. it was amazing.

the plot throughout the books have all been complicated to understand and this one was no different. so much was happening at the same time that it kinda overwhelmed me in a good. i always had something to look forward with all the plots lines. it also came together so neatly, like godd.

piper got a demon that was going to like unmake the forest every time she used it? i think. that fact that she turned to be like the final antagonist was so intriguing. her as a character was so interesting.

we get a bunch of answers in this book. blues’ father being from glendower’s time? and him and blue being tree people? (this was so confused lol). glendower’s tomb was found and he was a pile of bones (which also confused me) gansey whole death scene was so never wracking and noah sacrificing himself and erasing himself from time? for him was heart breaking. (im pretty sure it was noah who told gansey about glendower when he first died, so if i did understand that correctly then it was an amazing ending). neeves death was also sad