A review by anna_pereira24
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss


I thought this book was great. I love the theme of heroism and what that actually looks like. Most of the time we see the hero through the lens of other people. They tell stories around the campfire that are mostly legends and the facts have been bent and slashed a long time ago. It was refreshing to read the first hand account from Kvothe, the hero himself. He doesn't sugarcoat his life. He doesn't get all the ladies (he says several times that he didn't know how to talk to women), but most importantly, that's not the main point of him wanting to become a hero. There are several strong female characters in the book. They are in the book for more than just their looks, they are strong and independent and intelligent. I can't stand reading a book or watching a film for that matter when the only reason a hot chick is in there is because of her looks or how she makes the main character feel about himself.

The other aspect that I loved was the University setting. It felt like a modern day college, the worries and concerns were the same. Well.... my college didn't teach sympathy and naming.... so there's that difference, but the stress of classes and the snotty professors were real!

I enjoyed this book immensely. It's one of my new favorites.