A review by micahwimmer
Who Is Man? by Abraham Joshua Heschel


This little volume is probably the best introduction to Heschel's theology available. I mean, Man is Not Alone and God in Search of Man are far more comprehensive and in-depth, but for someone who just wants to get their feet a little bit wet and still understand Heschel's thought, this is the book to read as it covers most of his primary themes and concerns in just over 100 beautifully written pages. Also, the last paragraph is one of my favorite things ever written: “Who is man? A being in travail with God’s dreams and designs, with God’s dream of a world redeemed, of reconciliation of heaven and earth, of a mankind which is truly His image, reflecting His wisdom, justice, and compassion. God’s dream is not to be alone, to have mankind as a partner in the drama of continuous creation. By whatever we do, by every act we carry out, we either advance or obstruct the drama of redemption; we either reduce or enhance the power of evil.”

The whole book is full of gems like that. Highly recommended.